Water in protoplanetary disks - promotie Stefano Antonellini (RuG)
29 maart: Clues from Stellar Catastrophes - promotie Alex Rimoldi (UL)
Early death of massive galaxies in the distant universe - promotie Caroline Straatman (UL)
The structure of the dusty cores of Active Galactic Nuclei - Promotie Noel Lopez Gonzaga (UL)
Tracing the journey of the Sun and the Solar siblings through the Milky Way - Promotie Carmen Martinez Barbosa (UL)
Sulphur, zinc and carbon in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy - Promotie Asa Skuladottir (RUG)
Far and mid-infrared studies of star forming regions - Promotie Evgenia Koumpia (RuG)
Hierarchical systems - Promotie Adrian Hamers (UL)
The impact of dark satellites on dwarf galaxies in a ΛCDM universe - Promotie Tjitske Starkenburg (RuG)
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