Spin evolution of accreting and radio pulsars in binary systems (Promotie Ann-Sofie Bak Nielsen, UL)
13 september 2018
Identifying the origins of galaxy formation (Promotie Jorryt Matthee, UL)
19 september 2018
The formation of complex organic molecules in dense clouds (Promotie Ko-Ju Chang, UL)
20 september 2018
Hunting for High Magnetic Fields in Different Neutron Star Classes (Promotie Alice Borghese, UvA)
27 september 2018
The Outcome of Massive Star Formation (Promotie María Ramirez Tannus, UvA)
28 september 2018
The Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks (Promotie Lucia Klarmann, UvA)
4 oktober 2018
Ontstaan van zware sterren onderzocht via chemie (promotie Veronica Allen, RUG)
12 oktober 2018
Vorming van planeten onderzocht (promotie Aaron Greenwood, RUG)
15 oktober 2018
From Midplane to Planets: The Chemical Fingerprint of a Disk (Promotie Christian Eistrup, UL)
16 oktober 2018
The Radio Lighthouse from Afar: in Search of Distant Pulsars (Promotie Klim Mikhailov, UvA)
23 oktober 2018