Multi-wavelength Accretion Studies of Cataclysmic Variable Stars - Promotie Deanne Coppejans (RU)
Winds in the AGN environment - Promotie Laura di Gesu (UL)
The Dark that Shapes the Light - Promotie Hamish Silverwood (UvA)
Protostellar Regions - Promotie Maria Drozdovskaya (UL)
Matter of Life & Death - Promotie Caroline van Borm (RuG)
Exploring the Transient Sky - Promotie Dario Carbone (UvA)
A spectroscopic study of the high-redshift Universe - Promotie Wouter Karman (RuG)
Star formation and AGN activity in distant massive galaxies - Promotie Pece Podigachoski (RuG)
LOFAR Epoch of Reionization - Promotie Ajinkya Patil (RuG)