Fast Radio Bursts with Apertif (promotie Leon Oostrum, UvA)
24 juni 2020
New methods and the discovery of diverse phenomena at low frequencies with AARTFAAC (promotie Mark Kuiack, UvA)
25 juni 2020
Instrumentation development of innovative radio-devices to improve the coming cycles of radio astronomy observations (promotie Daniel Montofré, RUG)
7 juli 2020
Connecting the micro to macrophysics in black hole accretion (promotie Jordy Davelaar, RU)
24 augustus 2020
Hunting for new physics in the primordial Universe (promotie Donggang Wang, UL)
27 augustus 2020
Through a lens darkly: magnified views of massive galaxy formation (promotie Hannah Stacey, RUG)
11 september 2020
The Galactic halo: formation history and dynamics (promotie Helmer Koppelman, RUG)
18 september 2020
Multi-scale numerical modelling of black hole accretion and jets (promotie Koushik Chatterjee, UvA)
18 september 2020
Volumetric star formation laws and supernova feedback in nearby disc galaxies (promotie Cecilia Bacchini, RUG)
25 september 2020
The extremes of magnetic accretion (promotie Jakob van den Eijnden, UvA)
30 september 2020