Protoplanetary Disk Anatomy: examining the structure and chemistry of planetary birthplaces with simple molecules (Promotie Mason Carney, UL)
De dood van zware sterren in dubbelstersystemen (promotie Emmanouil Zapartas, UvA)
Large-scale filaments and the intergalactic medium (promotie Robin Kooistra)
Op zoek naar jonge pulsars (promotie Samayra Straal, UvA)
Diving Deep into Rocky Exoplanets (promotie Kaustubh Hakim, UvA)
Don't Blink: Detecting transiting exoplanets with MASCARA (promotie G.J.J. Talens, UL)
Radio Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants (promotie Maria Arias, UvA)
Orchestration of Distributed LOFAR Workflows (promotie Alexandar Mechev, UL)
The Demographics of Protoplanetary Disks (promotie Sierk van Terwisga, UL)