Blaauw lezing 2018: The world’s most advanced eyes on the sky (Groningen)
Exploring Transients in the X-ray and the Ultraviolet (promotie Astha Parikh, UvA)
Open dag DOT planetarium (Groningen)
Open Dag Kapteyn Instituut (Groningen)
Science & Cocktails: The first image of a black hole (Amsterdam)
Chemistry in embedded disks: setting the stage for planet formation (promotie Merel van 't Hoff, UL)
Uncovering the ingredients for planet formation (promotie Arthur Bosman, UL)
The discovery of Hypervelocity Stars in the Gaia catalogue (promotie Tommaso Marchetti, UL)
Avondje Sterrewacht - Is sterrenkunde een enge wetenschap? (Leiden)